

Parfois il est nécessaire de recadrer ses priorités, ses besoins et obligations. Je suis en phase de réflexion sur ce que je souhaite faire avec L'Essentiel. 
Est-ce que je continue l'aventure ou est-ce que je choisi de faire autre chose?
Mes activités sont donc en pause pour le moment.  

Nous travaillons déjà ensemble?
Ne vous inquiétez pas on terminera votre accompagnement
peu importe ma décision finale. 
Je prends mon travail et votre bien-être très au sérieux. 



Why me?

Because I understand, I’ve been there too.

My name is Isabel Leeson

I am 47. I live in the countryside with my partner and our 3 kids, 12 year old twins and a 14 year old.
I like board games, my garden, flying kites, watching the birds from my veranda, cats (I save the birds from them, don’t worry), that my house is pretty and tidy because that brings me comfort. I like doing creative things and favour wet plate collodion (a photographic process from 1851). I am a warrior, a little rebellious, with a deep need for justice.
Professionally, I spent a decade working “in books” which I really loved. I’d have stayed there until retirement but life took me elsewhere. I burnt out shortly after having my twins and never managed to go back.
I decided to start my own business. My background made me a magnet for toxic people and manipulative companies. My job became a living hell pretty quickly. This is what led to my second burnout and cost me my business.

I really needed to learn to change my behaviours to stop attracting those kinds of people.
In the midst of all this I got help for an eating disorder. This is when I discovered Intuitive Eating. I applied the principles, made peace with food and my body. I have stayed horrified by diet culture as I see it from my current point of view.

A burnout is an opportunity. It’s a chance to re-evaluate what is important to you, what to change and get rid of. An opportunity to recognise our needs and learn to answer them, to bring real change.
The tools I bring to the table today are the ones I learned to lift myself up once and for all. I chose to give people the help I needed myself and couldn’t find. I know the tools work because I used them all on myself to manage my home, learn what I need and how to react to that, to learn to protect myself…. I share so that all those hard times in my life mean something worthwhile, to motivate me to continue my journey of personal development, to share, listen, support and stay away from judgement. 

Isabel Leeson (She/her)
Octobre 2023
Positive change leader
Professional coach in Humanist NLP

Follow me
My certifications
My training:

Humanist NLP Coach
L’institut Horizons347.
+ specialisation modules:
– Identifying, avoiding and healing from burnout,
– Conflict management,
– Re-impression,
The institute has more than 15 years of accreditation from the Ministry of Employment and Training, the Walloon Region and the Brussels-Capital Region. 

Parental burnout
Parental burnout Professional Training Courses – Isabelle Roskam & Moïra Mikolajczak

Home Organising:
Elodie Wéry & CO

Intuitive Eating:
Official certification by Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole in partnership with Helm publishing.

Training Institute for Parental Burnout
Attestation burnout
Attestation gestion de conflit
Intuitive Eating
Intuitive Eating – help
Coach professionnel
attestation ré-empreinte
Home organising