

Parfois il est nécessaire de recadrer ses priorités, ses besoins et obligations. Je suis en phase de réflexion sur ce que je souhaite faire avec L'Essentiel. 
Est-ce que je continue l'aventure ou est-ce que je choisi de faire autre chose?
Mes activités sont donc en pause pour le moment.  

Nous travaillons déjà ensemble?
Ne vous inquiétez pas on terminera votre accompagnement
peu importe ma décision finale. 
Je prends mon travail et votre bien-être très au sérieux. 



In practice

Coaching is a complete program, a dive in the lake. Dipping your toe in the water won’t give you the satisfaction you’re looking for. I want to be able to guarantee a result, so I’m offering you comprehensive, personalised coaching over 365 days.
If you would like something other than the mental load program, please get in touch so that we can discuss it.

My values

Cost of non-resolution of your issues

Coach or therapist?


Step 1:

5 x 1.5 h home organising workshops ¹
Autonomous decluttering & organising of your home
✓ 5 x debriefing ²
✓ PDF of the workshop Powerpoints presentations
✓ Analysis of the photos of you problem areas
✓ PDF of the Powerpoints grouping your photos

Step 2:

✓ Online or at L’Essentiel (your choice)
✓ 20 x 1 h anti burnout, positive parenting and learning non-violent communication
✓ NVC syllabus
✓ Coaching worksheets
✓ The Yellow Folder to store your worksheets
✓ Official Intuitive Eating book
✓ 365 days of availability for written messages

Bonus :
✓ 3 x 30 min phone or Zoom call

Estimated work hours: 34
Invoicing options:
185 €/month for 12 months
-5% if paid in 2 increments
-10% if paid in 1 x


Step 1:

in your home
5 x 7 h
home organising workshops ¹
4 hands
decluttering & organising of your
✓ 5 x debriefing ²
✓ PDF of the workshop Powerpoints presentations
✓ Analysis of the photos of you problem areas
✓ PDF of the Powerpoints grouping your photos
✓option of requestion a trailer

Step 2:

✓ Online or at L’Essentiel (your choice)
✓ 20 x 1 h anti burnout, positive parenting and learning non-violent communication
✓ NVC syllabus
✓ Coaching worksheets
✓ The Yellow Folder to store your worksheet
✓ Official Intuitive Eating book
✓ 365 days of availability for written messages

Bonus :
✓ 3 x 30 min phone or Zoom call

Estimated work hours: 61.5
Invoicing options:
330 €/month for 12 months
-5% if paid in 2 increments
-10% if paid in 1 x

Couples coaching:
The mental load

Balancing the mental load within the couple

✓ Online or at L’Essentiel: your choice

✓ 4 x 1 h of coaching as a couple
✓ Coaching worksheets
✓ The Yellow Folder to store your worksheets
✓ Fair Play deck of cards
✓ 3 months availability for written messages

300 €

Group workshop:
The mental load

✓ Online or in person³
2h30 themed and participative workshop
atelier thématique participatif
✓ 9 concrete solutions
✓ 8 to 12 participants
✓ Coaching worksheets
✓ PDF of the Powerpoint of the workshop
✓ WhatsApp or Messenger support group

40 €/ participant / in person
35€ / participant / online

My whole house
in 3 months.

Home organising workshops ¹

✓ 5 Themed workshops
✓ Online
✓ Lifelong result

5 x 1h45
✓ one on one
✓ frequency: every 2 weeks
Autonomous decluttering and organising
of your entire home
✓ PDF des Powerpoints
✓ 5 x debriefing ²
✓ Analyses of your difficulties through the photographs you provide

Estimated worked hours: 12
110 €/ workshop


Home organising workshops ¹

✓ Lifelong result

✓ Online or at L’Essentiel: your choice

5 x 3h themed workshops
✓ 4 to 6 participants
✓ frequency: every 2 weeks
Autonomous decluttering and organising
of your entire home
✓ 5 x debriefing ²
✓ PDF of the Powerpoints
✓ Analyses of your difficulties through the photographs you provide
✓ WhatsApp or Messenger support group

Estimated worked hours: 20
350 €/ person
330 € / person : “Friends” edition

Non-violent communication

Non-violent communication
Available in French only.

✓ En ligne ou chez L’Essentiel au choix

✓ en individuel
✓ en groupe

✓ syllabus
✓ 2 x 2h ou 4 x 1h

Heures prestées approximatives: 4
Etalement des frais:
200 € en individuel
160 € /personne si en groupe

Made to measure:
If you would prefer a made to measure coaching please request a free call
by clicking on the button below.

¹ Home organising workshops:

  • Living spaces
  • Private spaces
  • Fabrics
  • Storage areas
  • Papers & home management

² Debriefing:

  • Lists the discussed solutions
  • Bonus solutions
  • Illustrations and links
  • Average length = 2.5 A4 pages
  • PDF format

³ Travel expenses

  • + 0.35€/km for travel outside of a 20 km radius around Hoves.
  • Option of the trailer:
    • includes one trip to & from your closest recycling or donation center, sales depot withing 1h.
    • + 45€ per requested day

⁴ Does not include :

  • cleaning
  • organising or storage accessories. They can be ordered through l’Essentiel depending on need. These would be invoiced separetely.